Current Trend In Oil Cooler Line-sets

Here are several current Aftermarket oil-cooler trends that are all too common.

  • It is impractical to keep an inventory of specialized oil cooler line-sets on hand at the Mechanics level of repair. Why try?  Seemingly EVERY car that needs oil cooler line repair has a different line-set. This means a trip to and from the dealer if they have it in stock, possibly a specialized order with your favorite internet provider. And let us not forget the shipping time. A two hour fix can turn into a 1 or 2 day wait and then a two hour fix.  Wasteful!
  • Many brand new crate engines, and OE replacement transmissions  are made and shipped with Oetiker Quick-connector fittings in the oil cooler ports. Drop it in your car and… - you guessed it there is no OE line-set. You have to plumb your own... Often you unscrew the Oetiker QC and throw it out ???  
  • Trade-in vehicles - the older car market is often in need of repairs due to lack of OEM support anywhere. The flood of cheap swap-out parts and replacement burner parts have become a new norm.  Most car repairs may be done with good intentions, but many times the shiny aftermarket parts only last from a few weeks to a year. Let the buyer beware!

Quality parts are the key to a lasting effort. Something as simple as fresh plumbing mated with reputable replacement parts often will help this car last for many more years.

Looking for an easy solution?  Change the trend.

At FFAC Fittings we have done that with a quality assortment of standardized OE to aftermarket fittings which can be used for the repair of automotive oil cooler lines.  

Organize the chaos – Standardize.